If you’re over 45 years of age, at JDoc365 we can screen you for Bowel Cancer (Colorectal Cancer). That’s a whole decade sooner than the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme and, as you can imagine, early detection and treatment stacks the chance of survival and cure back in your favour.
Bowel cancer is most prevalent in those over 50 but is rising dramatically amongst under 50s
Within the NHS, Bowel Cancer Screening only starts at 55 years of age with recalls every 3 years
How common is Bowel Cancer?
Bowel Cancer is the fourth most common cancer and second biggest cancer killer in the UK^. It can however be treated and cured with early diagnosis.
You are particularly at risk if you have a family history of any type of cancer
In the UK, more than 42,000 people are diagnosed with Bowel Cancer each year
Statistically, Bowel Cancer will claim 16,800 lives each year among existing cases
How can Bowel Cancer be detected?
JDoc365 provides annual Colorectal Cancer Screening for all individuals 45 years and above as part of our public health efforts to fight Bowel Cancer.
The screening consists of a simple QFit Xpress Test which can be taken at JDoc365 in Golders Green
Alternatively, the QFit test can be posted to you at your home or work address
The QFit Xpress Test is available for just £55 to anyone aged 45 years and above, giving you a ten year head start (test includes Phlebotomy)
Xpress Test results will be sent direct to you - if you wish to discuss them with a JDoctor, just contact reception to book a consultation

For more information or to book, just visit the Xpress Testing page on jdoc365.co.uk or call Reception on 0203 65 65 65 7.
*Source: www.cancerresearchuk.org 53% survive bowel cancer for 10 or more years, 2013-2017, England
^Source: www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk